Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Well Friday turned out to be a smashing success and a wild evening of entertainment, art, friends, and commotion.  I was fortunate enough to have my station/booth in a lovely spot with exposed brick as my backdrop; not to mention it was just near the bar and the fashion show stage.  I had the best little team help me set up and as the people came coursing in, the crowds and noise grew.  I was unabashedly somewhat nervous about the evening, intimidated to say the least.  I think this little creative nook of my personality is one that few people may be privy to or all that aware of.  In fact, I would consider it a newly refined and developed part of me in just the past few years.  So to put that portion on display in front of such a wide gambit of people is quite vulnerable and leaves you exposed in a way.  But, again, it is a good stretching for me, overcoming fears and dispelling their soundless arguments.  It was a long day and we got finished long after my bedtime, but I was more than pleased with the night and so appreciate everyone's support, cheers, and presence!