Thursday, September 13, 2012

Reclaimed Re"loved" Wooden Entry Table

Oh man, its been awhile since I built a piece from scrap...and here she is. You can see some of the progression.  I bucked up and dumpster dove not once but twice to find the perfect pieces for a unique entry table.  I actually went back to get more because I decided, as often happens, that if I like it I will want one for myself.  I typically forget how much math and time goes into these projects.  But using power tools and figuring out ways to piece it together (weathered, warped and all) is always a task of delight.  There were 2 final products; one residing in the Denver Counseling & Coaching and the other behind my couch!  My favorite is seeing which piece of wood strike different people.  If you happened upon my porch (professional workspace) I'd have asked you which you favored.  Each has such individual character and quirks!

Grandpa's Grizzly Bear found his way to Steamboat

Finished a little mountain bear for the Steamboat cabin. grrrr.

Chic Cedar Chest

I happened along this trunk from a sweet guy moving west. He mentioned that his great-grandfather built it for his dad years ago.  Apparently he built one for each of his children.  She wasn't in the best of shape and I nearly begged the guy to hang on to her for family heirloom's sake.  But without too much convincing she became mine.  I was hoping to maintain some of the rustic elements to her and beat it up a teeny bit more (always with love). I love the copper edging and appreciate that you can efficiently store your winter woolies in there right under a spot to kick your feet up and relax all cozy on your couch.

Mister Matt got Married

little miss maddie has turned 1!
So happy for this grinning groom! We headed up to Steamboat Springs last weekend to celebrate Labor Day with all sorts of soiree-like festivities.  What a lovely weekend for lovely nuptuals. It was a sweet weekend to spend with old family-new family, old friends-new friends and all just up the road from me.  I am always quite thrilled to have people up to my neck of the woods and get to enjoy the splendor of the fall mountains.  The air is getting a new little crispness to it and it couldn't make me more jolly!