Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Well Friday turned out to be a smashing success and a wild evening of entertainment, art, friends, and commotion.  I was fortunate enough to have my station/booth in a lovely spot with exposed brick as my backdrop; not to mention it was just near the bar and the fashion show stage.  I had the best little team help me set up and as the people came coursing in, the crowds and noise grew.  I was unabashedly somewhat nervous about the evening, intimidated to say the least.  I think this little creative nook of my personality is one that few people may be privy to or all that aware of.  In fact, I would consider it a newly refined and developed part of me in just the past few years.  So to put that portion on display in front of such a wide gambit of people is quite vulnerable and leaves you exposed in a way.  But, again, it is a good stretching for me, overcoming fears and dispelling their soundless arguments.  It was a long day and we got finished long after my bedtime, but I was more than pleased with the night and so appreciate everyone's support, cheers, and presence!

ma muse

The human body in its simplest form easily possesses of the most inspiring muse-like traits. Think even to the sciences and those who, generations ago, studied corpses intently to better understand the intricacies that comprise our bodies.  How they function, how they break down, the immunities and resiliencies.  But greater than their physical functioning, the very composition in essence is lovely to the eye.  I can only imagine what Adam's response was actually like upon waking to find Eve.  A counterpart 'like-opposite' himself.  Someone wholly similar in nature and fully different in form.  And lovely in nudity. Strange that since our fall we have found layers upon layers of hiddenness to cloak our shame and yet simultaneously most deeply desire to get back to the intimacy and freedom in the Garden.  Layers of paint and lines and brushstrokes, paper, and lace, and music, return this Eve to some semblance of the original intended creation.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

RAW Art Showcase:: Denver August 23rd

So a few months ago I received an email regarding an independent art's organization hat puts on showcases every other month in cities worldwide.  Their mission is to provide independent artists with tools, resources and exposure needed to inspire and cultivate creativity.  There's a wide diversity of what they showcase; including independent film, fashion, music, visual art, performing art, hairstylists, makeup artists, etc.

Anyhow, needless to say there were many perks and the single drawback of general intimidation. Exposure, sales and promotion are all lacking in my natural giftings.  But, nonetheless, next Friday here in Denver I will have a little booth and showcase station set up with paintings, furniture, and a variety of treasures to sell.  If you are a Denverite or are passing through you should pop in.

Below is the link to my artist page:


Next to where it says I AM RAW there is another link "Featured Artist" the date and "Buy a Ticket for this Artist"
If you are going to purchase a ticket make sure that it is for me or it doesn't count towards the necessary ones I have to 'sell'.  Not to worry if you've bought, and didn't do it under this link, they can transfer it. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Cafe Table of Reclaimed Wood

Drove out to Sedalia to pick up some wood one Friday afternoon. Little did I know most of the pieces in the pictured pile were all nailed to each other.  I fit what I could in the back of my car and dismantled upon my return. I tend to favor pieces with nail wounds.  Scars always are adorned with a story.  So I think with wood, but with endless possibilities of new chapters.
Found these caster wheels at a yard sale and you would have thought I found a pearl in an oyster.  They are sincere heavy duty metal through and through. The stain on this piece gave me 2 rounds of trouble. Couldn't seem to get the hue I was hoping for and ended up creating an amalgam of color.
In the end, she turned out just as necessary and with a new story to be found.