Saturday, December 31, 2011

Little Wabby's Painting

I finally got around to finishing my dear little sister and best friend's original painting made especially for her. She is a lover of all things orange and bright. The edges are made of favorite hymnal sheet music and old thesaurus pages or words that so aptly describe her. There are elements of lace from an old dress of hers hidden in the upper part of the wing. Abby is an unashamed lover of the Latin culture, so I added in the spanish translation for "bloom" as it has been a treat to see the way Abby has developed and matured into what I would consider a stunning woman. Her heart is so dear and considerate of how to best care for people. Abby has an uncanny way of charming people and engaging them with her vibrant personality. She is easily the weirdest person I know and can make me laugh quite easily. I just adore her to pieces and am happy to call her mine!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

This table has the most stunning claw feet. She's been around for awhile with two little grey chairs to accompany her. I've been waiting for a few more mix-matched chairs to add in but they haven't found their way to me quite yet...Still waiting on their arrival. One of these days.

This little project was so fun! I originally got her and was not all that thrilled as she had 3 little hats of leather that were not in good shape. With the help of a chisel and some muscles, she was bare and in need of some vision. What would I put in her 3 naked pannels? What better than a chalkboard? How exciting to write your to-do list on your desk? And even better to wipe them right off post-completion.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Corrie is 30 Flirty and Thriving

Well, she's now in her actual thirties, which makes for 31! It was such a treat to get to celebrate Miss Corrie. This is a true woman of talent. For one, she is a tride and true friend and aint scared to tell you how it is. But, this girl has talent from taking care of dying children in the PICU to jarring her own jelly and pickles, to making homemade mallows, crocheting, bread baking, need I go on? Most of those she has taken the time to teach me how to do, which I just love. Anyhow, Corrie is a lover of all things in the kitchen. She has a knack for cooking and tasting foods to be just right. Corrie requested a painting for her blue bedroom for her birthday and this was her surprise. I especially loved the background which is recipes I tore from my grandmother's cook book. Most of them I tried to shoot for a cajun dish as she is from the deeps of Louisiana and learned most of her cookin from her grandmama there.
Anyhow, it was a real fun giant painting to do and I was pleased as punch to hand it over to her. Its just easy to love Miss Corrie so.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

New Winter Nook

I finally finished this table and found a home for her right now downstairs in the basement. She makes for a cozy nook to drink warm cider with friends. Yes please, bring on the frost!

Aspen Trees Glimmer in my Heart

I was fortunate enough to get to spend some of those last little moments in the mountains as they were changing their coats for the winter. Hiking in Breckenridge, coasting up to Steamboat with my momma, and campin with my roomies. I couldn't help by squeal, my heart tipsy happy. With trees were aflame, it's hard to just sit still not wanting to engulf yourself in it in some way.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Autumn's Dresser

How fitting that this dainty dear find a home at a friend's named Autumn. I did this piece as a contract work and love the warm hues she'll bring to a room. My favorite little part of her is her top. The contours of the wood are unique to say the least. She just has a classy little face to her, not to mention some legssss!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just went home last weekend for a handful of celebrations. Firstly, I'm an aunt! Little Madilynn Grace was born 2 weeks ago and timed her entrance just perfectly as I got to meet her only 3 days new! So crazy to love something so little so so quickly! Strangely, I already miss her.

Also, in due celebrations: Miss Abby Decicco is soon to be a Wasson and we got to bachelorette up the weekend. Despite the heat, it was a jolly weekend to be home.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tall Bistro Table

What a cozy little spot to land for supper with a friend. I just finished this piece. The piping on the back was a small labor of love. This piece has a faint robin egg blue on the bottom that was sealed with the same stain that finished the tops. I just think she'd make a sweet addition to a room with glorious lighting! Streams of sun beam on in!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Saxaphone Sings down the Street

One of my favorite things to do on a lazy Sunday is stroll down to Jazz in the Park. Hundreds of people come and picnic for the evening. I love what different crowds it brings. Games, kids, wine, families, dancing. What a treat it is to sit amongst friends, in the Colorado breeze, a picnic of wine and treats with faint jazz serenading us.

This is a painting I did for my brother, who I consider a lover of jazz. Its a big piece that resides in his little Dallas abode...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Two of my favorite girls came to visit me for a Denver slumber party! This was not our first and surely will not be our last! These two girls kept me busy after school every day during college.
They are 2 of the smartest, and might I say wittingly entertaining! We made a stromboli creation and raspberry pie! They donned the classy aprons and we feasted out on the porch for the evening! So happy they were able to come and retreat from the Texas heat! Can't wait for the next slumber party!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Meet Millie

This is my newest finished project. She is a sweet little bedside table with a classy new knob to add interest. I love how the stain took to both the top and the body, creating a really lovely depth to the turquoise color! I think she's just lovely.

this is her before shot:

Monday, June 6, 2011

Steamboat Marathon Weekend!

Friday afternoon we packed up the car and drove up to Steamboat. The scenery was just exquisite, we weren't quite sure if we were even still in Colorado. Snow still on the mountain tops but lush green valleys from the water run off and the perfect mixture of sun on your face and a breeze to keep you cool. We made exception dinners both Friday and Saturday night out on the deckas we hoped to carbo-load to keep our bodies movin' come Sunday. Not to mention water intake that left our tummies sore.

Saturday we woke up, garage sale shopped, walked around town, and found a little hike at Fish Creek Falls to get ourselves acclimated to the altitude. Hiking in snow in chacos was not, however, all that optimal.

Sunday was race day and we got bussed up to Lake Steamboat and dropped off. The road back was serene to say the least, though, it didn't quite relieve the pain of actually running the whole 26.2 miles. We all finished in under 4 hours and 30 minutes and couldn't have been prouder.

This was the after photo when we got back to the condo. We were a bit wiped.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Two new additions this week!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just a little drizzly day out...which makes for a plan to tuck away in my
abode with a book, candles, coffees, and a day for painting!